22 inch Supreme Pro Bar Stihl 038, 044, 064, MS391, MS460, MS500i, MS660, MS661

Supreme 22 inch Pro Bar 3/8 Pitch, 063 Gauge

This bar is made in New Zealand, is the only chainsaw bar made in New Zealand. So, buy Supreme Bars and support local NZ business.

These Bars are made from the very best high-grade Swedish steel, are a full replaceable tip, these bars are a full *PROFESSIONAL BAR*

The steel has very high strength, with good ware properties. The rails will never chip as the steel hasn’t been harden during the manufacturing process. We only use the very best steel!

This brand new bar will suit the following Stihl chainsaws.

034, 034 Super, 036, 038, 038 Super, 038 Magnum, 039, 041, 042, 044, 045, 046, 048, 056, 056 Super, 056 Magnum, 064, 066, 066 Magnum

And the MS series

MS310, MS311, MS360, MS361, MS362, MS380, MS381, MS382, MS390, MS391, MS400, MS440, MS441, MS460, MS461, MS462 MS640, MS650, MS660, MS661, MS500i

The Oregon fit for this bar is called a D025 mount.

Please note the bar is a 3/8 pitch, 063 gauge, chain will be 77 drive links long.

Any Questions just ask.

(SUB-223RND-D025SHT) Supreme 22 inch Pro bar

$ 175.00 (NZD)

3 in stock

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